Section I: General Overview of the Country (a quarter of the article)
a) Population:
· Population composition:
For instance: urban, rural, etc.
· Religious composition:
For Muslims: sects and schools of thought, and for non-Muslims: religious composition.
· Ethnical composition:
For instance: Arab, Kurd, Turk, etc.
· Literacy:
Literacy figures, number of graduates, etc.
b) Economy:
Sources of energy, mines, agriculture, economic system, and trade balance.
c) Geopolitics:
Neighboring countries, borders, conflicts and wars.
d) Culture:
For instance: popular, elite, etc.
Section II: Form of Government (a quarter of the article)
a) Form and Structure
1) Monarchy 2) Republic 3) Parliamentary
b) Type
1) Religious 2) Secular 3) Democrati 4) Dictatorship
c) Parties and political institutions
d) Clergies and intellectuals
e) Civil society and non-governmental organizations
f) Private sector
Section III: The Process of Nation-State Formation (half of the article)
This section should cover the main political transformations in the past two hundred years, with a focus on the past fifty years. Particular attention must be paid to the following trends, and their interactions in various periods, in shaping the political and social identity of each country:
a) Nationalism (pan-Arabism, Turkish and Persian nationalism, and so on)
b) Islamization (different interpretations of the role of Islam in politics)
c) Modernization (the role of modern institutions and processes of shaping political and civil systems)